
Josh + Sierrah

This day, these people, and everything about it was so unexplainable. It all started with their engagement session. The first time I officially met them their presence was amazing. Something about them made the atmosphere so bright all around. Their smiles and the way they loved each other was beyond normal. It was something special. It all started with the strings being stuck in her backpack and the story goes like this, as Josh explained it…

“Sierrah and I met in high school when her family moved to Lynchburg, and she was the new girl. I remember noticing her in class one day. She had gotten the strings in her book bag stuck in one of the wheels of the chairs. I helped her get it unstuck and soon after our friendship was born. We were comfortable with each other, and we could tell one another things that only close friends would share. We stayed friends all throughout high school and went to senior prom together. But we were always just friends. When we graduated, Sierrah went to college in a different state, and I decided to stay closer to home. I thought this might be the end of our friendship. After a year, Sierrah decided to come back to school at Liberty and we reconnected. We started to have lunches every Tuesday and Thursday during our breaks. I remember thinking to myself that each lunch Sierrah would get prettier than the time before. I began to pray and ask God to reveal to me if she was the right one. I knew I loved Sierrah; she was everything I had ever wanted for a wife. I knew God had told me that I was going to marry Sierrah when we were outside of a restaurant talking about the future. We started dating Sep 12, 2020, and little more than a year after we made it a forever thing. Our relationship was based on God’s timing, and we plan to honor him throughout our lives together.”

Josh + Sierrah


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